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115: How to Create Focus and Intentionality in 2014 - A GTD® VSG Live Call


Happy New Year! This was a great call with lots of engagement!

A couple of concepts around focus and intentionality have been really hot topics in the productivity space lately, what with the new year approaching and all. A big one is Chris Brogan’s “My Three Words”. And, similarly, in Daniel’s latest interview for GTD® VSG with Timo Kiander, I was really struck with Timo’s approach to intentionality and focus. He explained how he made a conscious choice to gain hours in his day by getting up early to get his workouts in. And he was intentional in his other choices of what to do, or not do, in order to stay on focus.

The focus of the call around focus, intentionality, Horizons of Focus, Areas of Focus and Responsibility, and how we can all benefit from building that into our GTD® systems to support us throughout the year. 

Resources from the call:

Download the podcast here!

114: Timo Kiander, The Productive Superdad Teaches Us How To Live Life To The Fullest


I had the pleasure of having Timo Kiander, the Productive Superdad in our virtual studio.

You're really going to enjoy this interview! Timo is a full-time blogger at, runs the Productive Superdad podcast, has written for, Dumb Little Man,, ProBlogger, IQTell, Think Traffic, he's been on other podcasts such as Entrepreneur Idea Dads, been interviewed by Time Management Magazine, and so many more.

Most recently, he wrote a book called Online Business Productivity: How to Start a Productive Online Business and Get Sh*t Done - Even When you are Working from 9-5. On top of all that he spends his fee time running marathons and triathlons!

What a great interview and I can't wait for you to listen to this latest exclusive podcast!

Check out this episode!

113: How To Solve the Conundrum of Whether To Use One Productivity System Or Two


In this GTD Virtual Study group live call, we talked about the conundrum of whether to use one productivity system or two. There was a lot of very good feedback and exchange on the call about whether or not to separate work and personal tasks managers and calendars. Thanks to one of our GTD VSG listeners, DeAngelis Bright, for suggesting this topic!


Check out this episode

112: Ryder Carroll, Inventor of the Bullet Journal System Explains How To Get Things Done!


In this episode, I ask Ryder what prompted him to create this system. His story is truly personal and it reinforced a very important point for me - that productivity is so very personal. Yet, anyone can leverage his system as a framework and develop their own system with his as a foundation. In many ways, it is like what so many people have done with Getting Things Done methodology. We also talked about whether he is all analog all the time. You may be surprised by his answer!

Read More

111: The GTD VSG welcomes Michelle Gunn as the new co-host and an amazing group conversation on how to overcome overwhelm!


In this episode of the GTD Virtual Study Group, we covered to big topics! The first is my big announcement regarding the format of the study group, and the second is our topic for our group discussion today on overwhelm.

MG 2012

First, my big announcement! On the fourth Thursday of each month, I’ll be releasing an exclusive interview with another expert in the productivity space. I will have recorded that program over the weekend. And, on the second Thursday of each month, we will have the live call. Who else better to have as a co-host then a GTD Virtual Study Group listener since 2009, an avid GTD follower, and someone who has spent her professional life in management, project management, and people management across multiple industries. Someone who is adept at listening to people and organizational needs to help build solutions. That person is Michelle Gunn.

You're going to love this show! Michelle is an amazing moderator and in this first program with her co-hosting, she helped moderate an incredibly amazing and inspiring conversation on how to overcome that feeling of overwhelm. Please welcome Michelle as the new co-host of the program!!

Check out this episode

110: Mike Vardy, The Productivityist, Teaches Us How to Practice Mindful Productivity


Mike Vardy

You don't want to miss this incredibly engaging conversation with Mike Vardy, "The Productivityist" in this week's GTD Virtual Study Group. There are tons of wonderfully magnificent nuggets in this podcast. You'll learn about:

  • the importance of every stage of GTD - from collection, to processing, to organizing, to reviewing, to the actual doing!

  • what it takes to really understand how your body works to maximize your productivity. Night owl or early bird?

  • how to become more self-aware so you execute successfully on every project

  • how to determine which app is really right for you - or is it a notebook and pen?

  • whether productivity principles change as technology changes? How do you define expectations?

And, so, so, so much more ... like a great conversation, once again, about really great beers! Here's some really great resources on Mike so you can continue learning even after the podcast ends!


Check out this episode

109: Erik Fisher Teaches Us How To Go Beyond the Todo List!


Erik Fisher, podcaster, blogger, and author, joins us in the latest episode of the GTD Virtual Study Group. Erik wears many hats! In addition to being a husband and dad, he has a day job, runs a successful podcast called, "Beyond the Todo List", and recently co-authored a book called, "Beyond the Todo List: Goals - a step-by-step process to making and meeting the goals that matter".

Erik and I had a great conversation about how he got into productivity, balancing both life and work, and why he continues to learn something new from reading Getting Things Done by David Allen during different periods in his life. Plus, you'll find really great tidbits such as why he believes his superhero name would be, "The Optimizer" and why he believes the perfect system is really about "self-management". There's so much more I really believe you'll learn from listening to this podcast.

Here's some great resources mentioned during the podcast:

...and of course, the list wouldn't be complete unless we added this!

To explain that last link, you'll need to listen to the show!

Check out this episode

108: Learning Personal Kanban with Pascal Venier


Pascal Venier was our guest today. He is a Personal Kanban Trainer and Coach as well as the translator of the French version of the great classic by Jim Benson and Tonianne DeMaria Barry, Personal Kanban: Mapping Work | Navigating Life to be published with Modus Cooperandi Press in 2013.


In this episode, Pascal taught us about the history of Kanban; how to setup a Kanban board, the benefits of Kanban and personal productivity, and how to take the system with you in both digital and analog formats. This was a very interesting show and one in which I know I learned a whole lot. 

Pascal can be found online at and is @pascalvenier on Twitter.

Resources from our program:

Don't forget to sign-up for the GTD Virtual Study Group mailing list!

Download the episode here!

107: Get Things Done in Evernote with Lilli Weisz!


This was an awesome GTD Virtual Study Group! We learned how to get things done in Evernote with super productivity specialist, Lilli Weisz! View the Google+ Hangout presentation and download Lilli's slides she shared with us. Seriously, what an awesome productivity session! I know I learned something!

Lilli Weisz is a productivity specialist who assists people in decluttering and organizing their physical and digital spaces. She can help you clear your desk, your desktop, your inbox, your life, so that you can get back to living and breathe a little easier. As an expert in David Allen's Getting Things Done, Lilli helps clients create their own individualized GTD systems on a variety of digital tools, like Evernote, that can make your life run more efficiently. You can learn more about Lilli at - soon to be updated to her fabulous new business website,!

Watch the GTD® Virtual Study Group with Lilli Weisz!

Watch the GTD® Virtual Study Group with Lilli Weisz!

Download Lilli's slide show here!

Download Lilli's slide show here!

106: How To Get It All Done When Someone Else's Life Depends On It!


Dallon Christensen of Whiteboard Business Partners joined us on the live call. Dallon not only has an amazing personal story of how he has been using GTD, but also wears a whole lot of hats ranging from a full time day job and several side projects. Listen in as we learn his story and find out how he's able to get it all done!

You can find out more about Dallon on Twitter, FacebookGoogle+, and LinkedIn!

Dallon mentioned some really great resources on today's call. Check them out and we hope they can help you too!

Check out this episode