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Filtering by Category: GTDVSG

254: GTD® and Extraordinary Times


GTD® is the art of stress-free productivity. And, we’re finding that that couldn’t be more true at this time in our world. GTD® is providing a bit of grounding in a time of major upheaval for many. We talk about that and how we’re using our systems to find some normal in an abnormal time.

Resources from the call:

Download the podcast here!

253: Reevaluation - Clarification, Reorganization, Recommitment


Our world is a little topsy turvy at the moment. We’re all experiencing a paradigm shift that was not a personal choice any of us made. So how can you adapt and cope with it all? How can GTD help to serve you and bring a little normalcy to your world. We dive into that and share what we’ve been doing, what’s been working and not working.

A big THANK YOU to our essential service workers!!!

Stay safe, VSGer’s! ❤️

Resources from the call:

Download the podcast here!

252: Time & GTD®


Setting up your GTD® system can be time consuming! So when do you start to see return on your time investment? And what is the return on your investment? And what tricks have we learned over the years to help ourselves in terms of time? Lots of fun stuff shared in this episode of GTDVSG! Enjoy!

Resources from the call:

Download the podcast here!

251: GTD® Morning Routine


A big thank you to Ray Sidney-Smith for guest hosting this episode of the GTDVSG!!!

What does your morning GTD® routine look like? How do you set yourself up for the day? In this episode we discuss your GTD® Morning Routine. Enjoy!

Resources from the call:

Download the podcast here!

250: Personal vs Work Systems


Sometimes it's tricky to separate our personal and professional lives in our systems. Sometimes we have to due to requirements, but if we don’t then things can get a little muddled. So how do we keep our systems working for us?

And then there’s the struggle to get our partners/colleagues/teammates to also do GTD.

We talk about all this and more in this episode of the GTDVSG! Enjoy!

Download the podcast here!

249: Context Avoidance


Do you find yourself avoiding using contexts sometimes? I know I did! (And not so secretly now, do still sometimes.) What’s that all about? We cover that in this call. And how we do make our systems work with, and without, contexts. (Oh, the blasphemy!) ;)

Resources from the call:

Download the podcast here!

248: Motivation with GTD


How do you keep yourself inspired to manage your tasks using GTD®? In this episode of GTDVSG, we talk about our motivation — today, as well as, when we first began using GTD. Lots of great tips for newbies and veterans alike! So, how do you keep motivated with your system?

Resources from the call:

Download the podcast here!

247: The How To of Focusing on Goals


Continuing the topic of Focusing on Goals from last episode, today we shared some more practical ideas around making those goals become projects and next actions. We talked about SMART goals, as well as, flexibility, and periodic reviews for alignment. And we looked defining those amorphous goals, you know... the ones that sound like pipe dreams. Who doesn’t need a little help with that?!

Resources from the call:

Download the podcast here!

246: Focusing on Your Goals for the New Year


The end of the year is one of the natural points for reflection, of the past, the present, and the future. End of decades have an especially weighty feel, as well! In this episode, the GTDVSG talks about reflection and looking ahead at our goals for the immediate and distant future. Enjoy!

Resources from the call:

Download the podcast here!

245: Organizing Individual Tasks


So what do you do when a task really doesn’t have more than one next action but you can’t do it now. The VSG discusses how we handle that in our systems. Enjoy!

Resources from the call:

Download the podcast here!