Filtering by Tag: Engage
321: Working with Partners
Working with partners is tricky, especially if they don't practice the same process and systems that you do (GTD®). So how do you get on the same page? How do you approach getting their involvement or buy in? How do you practice empathy for both yourself and others? We dive into this and so much more in this episode. Enjoy!
Resources from the call:
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294: Struggles When Starting GTD®
Starting up a GTD® system can be daunting. And there's lots of stuff we learn how to do better as we continue our practice over time. In this episode, we cover a bunch of our experiences and what we've learned as we've refined our systems. Tons of helpful insights! Enjoy!
Resources from the call:
Download the podcast here!
283: Workflows
Workflows are so important in managing our systems. They help keep things flowing. They can provide safeguards (like backing up or printing out). In this episode we talk about a ton of different workflows we use with our systems. So many great ideas! Enjoy!
Resources from the call:
Download the podcast here!
279: Doing & Prioritizing
Always a great topic! This is one of the places where people tend to get stuck in the GTD methodology. We talk all about the doing phase, now called the engage phase. And we cover how prioritizing actually is helpful, just not in the way we were all originally taught to do it. Enjoy!
Resources from the call:
"Don’t sweat the small stuff, and it’s all small stuff” by Richard Carlson
Download the podcast here!
249: Context Avoidance
Do you find yourself avoiding using contexts sometimes? I know I did! (And not so secretly now, do still sometimes.) What’s that all about? We cover that in this call. And how we do make our systems work with, and without, contexts. (Oh, the blasphemy!) ;)
Resources from the call:
Download the podcast here!
237: GTD Summit 2019 Day Two Recap
This is the recap for Day Two of the #GTDSummit which happened in Amsterdam in June 2019.
The theme of the Summit from David Allen:
The strategic value of space
There are no problems, only projects
Again, there was way too much content in the Summit to cover in an hour recap, but we did our best. 😉 Enjoy!!
Resources from the call:
gtdsummit.com Official website of the #GTDSummit.
http://coda.io/gtdsummit (This was the events “app” and has great summaries of the presentations and bios of the speakers.)
Guided Mindsweep Using iOS Shortcuts App from Rosemary Orchard
Automators 27: Shortcuts in iOS 13 - Diving into the Deep End!
Next Action Associates, Certified International Partner of David Allen Company in the UK and Ireland.
Holacracy.org - Self-management Practice for Organizations
Getting Things Done podcast - Episode 41: David Allen Talks with General Randall Fullhart
Tom Thomison, former co-founder of HolacracyOne and now of Dwarfs and Giants
Breaking Rank: How to lead change when yesterday’s stories limit today’s choices by Steven Coutinho
Smarter Faster Better: The transformative power of real productivity by Charles Duhigg
GTD For Teens by David Allen, Mike Williams, and Mark Wallace
Mark Wallace - Elementary School Children are “Getting Things Done” article
Equipping the next generation to conquer overload and distraction | Mark Wallace | TEDxEdina
Download the podcast here!
236: GTD Summit 2019 Day One Recap
So the #GTDSummit 2019 just happened in Amsterdam. And, WOW, was it awesome!
By popular request, we’re doing a recap of the summit. In this episode we cover much of Day One of the Summit. We’ll cover Day Two in the next episode. There was way too much content in the Summit to cover in an hour, but we did our best. 😉 Enjoy!!
The theme of the Summit from David Allen:
The strategic value of space
There are no problems, only projects
Resources from the call:
gtdsummit.com Official website of the #GTDSummit.
http://coda.io/gtdsummit (This was the events “app” and has great summaries of the presentations and bios of the speakers, including the ones we didn’t cover.)
GTD for Teens by Mark Wallace, Mike Williams, and David Allen
Download the podcast here!
220: GTD Tips
GTD Tips and Tricks Galore!!! Enjoy!
Resources from the call:
LinkedIn Learning course on Getting Things Done by David Allen (formerly Lynda.com)
Project Planning course GTD.com
Good Notes App on iPad Pro
Download the podcast here!
Special thanks to John Chidiac for capturing the resources for this episode!
218: Engage
The GTD® VSG discusses the Engage step of GTD® in this episode. Enjoy!
Resources from the call:
Download the podcast here!