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Wilmington, DE, 19806
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The GTD® Virtual Study Group is a supportive global community dedicated to inspiring and empowering personal growth.

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GTDVSG Events.jpg


315: What's the Future Evolution of GTD®?


In this episode, the VSG hypothesizes on what the future of GTD® might look like. The future is now! 😲 Enjoy!

Resources from the call:

Download the podcast here!

312: Boundaries


In this episode we discuss boundaries and how we use GTD® to help us manage them. So many great insights in this conversation! Enjoy!

Resources from the call:

Download the podcast here!

311: Defining Next Actions


In this episode we dive into the meaty topic of defining next actions. What are they actually? How do they differ from projects and actions? What's the best practice for naming our actions so they are clear and actionable, and sets us up for success? Enjoy!

Resources from the call:

Download the podcast here!

310: End of Year Hodgepodge


As we were nearing the end of the year in this call, we shared our thoughts about wrapping up the year and starting the next one. Preparation for the coming year... closing out the current year... reflection on the accomplishments of the past year... getting some R&R... calendar cleanup... etc. Enjoy!

Resources from the call:

Download the podcast here!

309: Experience with GTD®


In this episode we share our experiences with practicing the GTD® methodology through the years. The benefits we've experienced, the things we love about it, some of the tweaks we've made over time, and why we've stuck with it. Enjoy!

Resources from the call:

Download the podcast here!

308: Finding Your Joy with GTD®


Is your system sparking joy? Do you feel inspired by it? In this episode we look at our systems from that perspective. How can we inject more joy and inspiration into our systems, and by extension, into our lives? Such a great chat! Enjoy!

Resources from the call:

Download the podcast here !

307: The Importance of Reflection


In this episode we really step up a couple of horizons and look at the importance of reflection. We often get so bogged down in the doing that we forget to look up and see the forest for the trees. Life is short and we really want to be focused on the goals that are really important to us. Enjoy!

Resources from the call:

Download the podcast here!

306: GTD® on the Go


So now that we are getting back to normal(ish)... we're looking at how we engage with GTD® while we're on the go and some of the logistics around that. Enjoy!

Resources from the call:

Download the podcast here!